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A V I A N I Passion for Lingerie

Passion for Lingerie ~ Inspirational selection of designers, manufacturers, photographers, models, etc. in the world of Lingerie. We at AVIANI believe that every woman is beautiful as she is and that beautiful lingerie is for everyone, regardless of body type, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Fusce scelerisque augue a viverra semper. Etiam nisi nibh, vestibulum quis augue id, imperdiet fringilla dolor. Nulla sed nisl vel nisi cursus finibus. Vivamus ut augue nec justo viverra laoreet.

Nunc efficitur, arcu ac cursus gravida, lorem elit commodo urna, id viverra libero tellus non ipsum. Fusce molestie ultrices nibh feugiat pretium. Donec pulvinar arcu metus, et dapibus odio condimentum id. Quisque malesuada mauris sit amet dui feugiat, ut pretium mauris luctus. Ut aliquam, tellus nec molestie condimentum, tellus arcu dignissim quam, a gravida nunc nulla vel magna. Sed pulvinar tortor et euismod blandit. Proin accumsan orci ac nunc fermentum vehicula.

Cras quis neque urna. Pellentesque mollis, dui nec elementum elementum, ipsum quam suscipit ligula, sit amet lobortis dolor sem sed neque. Vivamus consequat est non sodales efficitur.Aliquam sodales eleifend sodales. Aliquam auctor ipsum quis nisl facilisis, at convallis mauris iaculis. Duis eleifend, magna ac convallis blandit, dui dui auctor leo, sed tincidunt nisi mauris ut nulla. Praesent porttitor dui ac turpis commodo porttitor. Integer ligula nisi, bibendum non sem at, porta condimentum dui.

1. 5 wardrobe essentials

2. 5 pieces to invest in this season

3. Season Wish-List

4. New in my wardrobe

5. Top 5 online stores to shop from

6. What to pack for a weekend getaway?

7. 5 accessories everyone should have in their wardrobe

8. Outfit Challenge (put an outfit together with an item you bought but never/rarely worn)

9. How I organise my wardrobe?

Foxy Lingerie

Foxy Lingerie's experts blog about hot new trends and styles of women's sexy lingerie and Halloween costumes. Tips, insight, and more on all popular lingerie styles!
Passion for Lingerie ~ Inspirational selection of designers, manufacturers, photographers, models, etc. in the world of Lingerie. We at AVIANI believe that every woman is beautiful as she is and that beautiful lingerie is for everyone, regardless of body type, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

I absolutely love scrolling through those posts, but I’ll be honest with you- fashion blogs that post outfit posts only are not that interesting to me, I prefer fashion blogs that provide various views and topics towards fashion. I understand how this can be difficult to achieve, but I believe that every blog should have a purpose and you should try your best in order to bring more valuable content to your readers.

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